96 research outputs found

    Une approche conduite par les modèles pour le traçage des activités des utilisateurs dans des EIAH hétérogènes

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    Cet article propose une approche conduite par les modèles pour la gestion des traces d'activité des utilisateurs au sein de systèmes d'apprentissage hétérogènes instrumentés par les technologies Web. Un modèle UML générique de traces permet de structurer et d'ajouter une sémantique claire aux données observées, auquel est associée une architecture distribuée et décentralisée favorisant le partage et la réutilisation des traces collectées par différents outils et services. Nous appliquons ensuite cette approche au traçage de l'utilisation des objets pédagogiques par des utilisateurs exploitant des plates-formes d'apprentissage et viviers de connaissance. Enfin nous proposons une application pour la visualisation des traces collectées, ainsi qu'un service de recherche avancée d'objets pédagogiques qui offre l'opportunité de capitaliser les expériences d'une large communauté d'utilisateurs

    Fédération de ressources pédagogiques

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    La virtualisation des ressources pédagogiques est devenue un aspect crucial de l'EIAH, et ce pour plusieurs raisons : (a) atteindre cet objectif pour faire face à l'évolution rapide des technologies et une nécessité d'apprentissage et de savoir-faire primordiale pour la survie de tous, (b) rendre nos outils attractifs et pérennes, et (c) se répartir la construction d'un patrimoine de ressources pédagogiques. De nombreux systèmes d'apprentissage existent aujourd'hui mais leurs ressources pédagogiques restent, le plus souvent, cloisonnées au sein de ces systèmes. Nous présentons dans cet article une architecture ouverte basée sur les standards prédominants de la FOAD, et qui supporte les fonctionnalités nécessaires à la virtualisation de ressources pédagogiques. Aussi nous exposons une expérimentation validant l'architecture proposée et qui offre une fédération de deux systèmes indépendants

    A remote laboratory to leverage motivation of learners to practice: an exploratory study about system administration

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a framework dedicated to online practical activities. Our remote laboratory is based on a distributed architecture composed of three layers: the learning interface is dedicated to end-users; the laboratory layer hosts the resources on which learners, teachers and tutors perform remote actions; the middleware layer acts as a broker between the two previous layers and embeds various control and learning services. The originality of our framework stands on: (1) a standard to control and supervise the resources of the remote laboratory, (2) the tracking of all users' activities at a low level of granularity (including both actions performed on the remote resources, as well as those resulting from the invocation of the learning services) so that various pedagogical features can be further designed, and (3) its independence regarding the learning domain to be learned. An implementation of the framework based on open source software and dedicated to computer engineering is exposed, allowing for an exploratory study involving 139 students enrolled in the first year of a computer science degree. The results of this study are discussed, and suggest a positive effect of our framework on motivation of learners when they come to learn system administration

    Sharing Learners' Behavior to Enhance a Metacognition-oriented Intelligent Tutoring System

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    International audienceLiterature shows that Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are growing in acceptance and popularity because they increase performances of students, leverage cognitive development, but also significantly reduce time to acquire knowledge and competencies. Moreover, monitoring metacognitive skills enables learners to assess performance and select appropriate fix-up: individuals unable to ensure self-monitoring cannot detect errors and as a consequence, they process information less efficiently than skilled monitors. Thus, we present an ITS offering the opportunity of evaluating various metacognitive indicators and able to share this information with others learning tools. Our online tutor is based on an existing ITS authoring tool that we extended to support metacognition and share learners’ profiles and activities into a standardized, distributed and open tracking repository. This framework, validated by an experimentation, thus helps to correlate metadata experiences with real performanc

    Génération semi-automatique de tests d'auto-évaluation pourvus de feedback résultant de la prise de notes collaborative

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    International audienceNos travaux prédécents ont introduit la plate-forme Tsaap-Notes pour augmenter la motivation et l'engagement des étudiants dans le processus de prise de notes collaborative pendant les cours dispensées en face-à-face. Dans cet article, nous introduisons l'approche « Notes as Feedback » consistant à recycler les questions interactives posées pendant le cours afin de produire semi-automatiquement des tests d'auto-évaluation informatisés pourvus de feedback issus des notes prises par les étudiants. Une première expérimentation réalisée sur un groupe de 54 étudiants inscrits en Master Informatique a permis de mettre en avant les bénéfices de ces travaux : une participation accrue à la prise de notes collaborative, un engagement significatif des étudiants dans les tests de révision, et des résultats en hausse à l'examen terminal

    Un Environnement Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain au Service de la Virtualisation et de la Gestion des Objets PĂ©dagogiques

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    Today, e-learning is widely disseminated within both private and public institutions, but it is far from representing a learning process used by everybody. A means to facilitate and encourage conception of pedagogical distance trainings by e-trainers consists in offering them the opportunity to access a big pool of learning objects that take into account various learning contexts and numerical supports, together with a large diversity of languages.Our works investigate the capabilities of a Web-based Learning Environment (WLE) to provide two complementary services that lead to learning objects' virtualization: a single view of a set of resources stored into various learning object repositories, and an easy access to these resources through the use of learning management systems. We present an open architecture based on ubiquitous e-learning standards which allows to integrate the above services within a WLE. Two experiments deployed within various e-learning contexts validate our approach and thus contribute to learning objects' share and reuse.The second part of our works deals with the management of resources, computer systems and users implied in the virtualization process. Among the large amount of resources offered by the federation of several knowledge pools, we aim at helping educators to search for relevant pedagogical material according to their learning contexts. We present first an information model describing the above entities and that constitutes a CIM (Common Information Model) extension for WLE, and then a supervision infrastructure composed of two management agents, a data provider, a centralised manager and a graphical management application. Next we apply this infrastructure to our WLE and to the search and index learning objects tool of the ARIADNE foundation. Finally, we expose the way to benefit from statistical information that are gathered by our framework in order to offer to e-trainers some well-adapted resources.Aujourd'hui, la Formation Ouverte et A Distance (FOAD) est de plus en plus répandue aussi bien dans les institutions publiques que privées, mais elle est loin de représenter une méthode d'apprentissage utilisée par tous. Un moyen de faciliter et d'encourager la conception de cursus pédagogiques par les éducateurs est de mettre à leur disposition une masse importante d'objets pédagogiques de natures variées tant au niveau des domaines d'apprentissage visés que du type de supports numériques utilisés, ainsi que de la langue dans laquelle ils sont produits.Nos travaux exposent les capacités d'un Environnement Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH) à fournir deux services complémentaires qui conduisent à la virtualisation des ressources pédagogiques : une vue unique d'un ensemble de ressources pédagogiques renfermées dans des viviers de connaissance distincts, et un accès facilité à celles-ci à travers les plates-formes d'apprentissage. Nous présentons une architecture ouverte basée sur des standards de l'e-formation établis ou en cours d'élaboration, et qui assure l'intégration des services énoncés ci-dessus au sein d'un EIAH. Nous présentons deux expérimentations déployées au sein de contextes différents qui valident notre approche et qui favorisent ainsi le partage et la réutilisation des objets pédagogiques.La seconde partie de nos travaux porte sur la supervision des ressources, systèmes informatiques et utilisateurs impliqués dans le processus de virtualisation afin de faciliter aux éducateurs la recherche de matériel pédagogique pertinent pour leur contexte parmi le nombre considérable de ressources offertes par la fédération des viviers de connaissance. Nous présentons un modèle d'information décrivant les entités précitées et qui constitue une extension de CIM (Common Information Model) pour l'EIAH, ainsi qu'une infrastructure de supervision composée d'agents de gestion, d'un fournisseur de données, d'un gestionnaire centralisé et d'une application graphique de gestion. Nous appliquons ensuite cette infrastructure au sein de notre EIAH et de l'outil de recherche et d'indexation d'objets pédagogiques de la fondation ARIADNE. Enfin, nous exposons comment les informations statistiques recueillies peuvent être exploitées pour présenter aux concepteurs de cursus pédagogiques des ressources de qualité

    Goal-Oriented Monitoring Adaptation : methodology and patterns

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    International audienceThis paper argues that autonomic systems need to make their distributed monitoring adaptive in order to improve their “comprehensive” resulting quality; that means both the Quality of Service (QoS), and the Quality of Information (QoI). Thus, we propose a methodology to design monitoring adaptation based on high level objectives (goals) related to the management of quality requirements. One of the advantages of adopting a methodological approach, is that monitoring reconfiguration will be conducted through a consistent adaptation logic. Starting from a model-guided monitoring framework, we introduce our methodology to assist human administrators in eliciting the appropriate quality goals piloting the monitoring. Moreover, some monitoring adaptation patterns falling into reconfiguration dimensions are suggested and exploited in a cloud provider case-study illustrating the adaptation of Quality-Oriented monitoring

    A Goal-Oriented Approach for Adaptive SLA Monitoring : a Cloud Provider Case Study

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    National audienceWe argue in this paper that autonomic systems need to make their integrated monitoring adaptive in order to improve their “comprehensive” Quality of Service (QoS). We propose to design this adaptation based on high level objectives (called goals) related to the management of both the “functional system QoS” and the “monitoring system QoS”. Starting from some previous works suggesting a model-driven adaptable monitoring framework composed of 3 layers (configurability, adaptability, governability), we introduce a methodology to identify the functional and monitoring high level goals (according to the agreed Service Level Agreement - SLA) in order to drive models' instantiation. This proposal is first applied to a cloud provider case study for which two high level goals are developed (respect metrics freshness and minimize monitoring cost), and then simulated to show how the quality of management decisions, as well as intelligent monitoring of dynamic SLA, could be improved

    Online tests based on contributions provided by teachers and students during face-to-face lectures

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    National audienceOur previous work has introduced the "Tsaap-Notes" platform to increase the motivation and engagement of students in the process of collaborative note taking during lectures. In this paper, we introduce the approach "Notes as Feedback" which consists of recycling interactive questions asked during a lecture in order to semi-automatically build computer based self-assessment tests where feedback provided to students is based on the notes taken by students. A first experimentation on a group of 54 students enrolled in a computer science Master course helped to highlight the benefits of this work: increased participation in note-taking, a massive engagement of students to play the self-assessment tests, and improved student results at the final exam

    Reconfiguration patterns for Goal-Oriented Monitoring Adaptation

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    International audienceThis paper argues that autonomic systems need to make their distributed monitoring adaptive in order to improve their “comprehensive” resulting quality; that means both the Quality of Service (QoS), and the Quality of Information (QoI). In a previous work, we proposed a methodology to design monitoring adaptation based on high level objectives related to the management of quality requirements. One of the advantages of adopting a methodological approach is that monitoring reconfiguration will be conducted through a consistent adaptation logic. However, eliciting the appropriate quality goals remains an area to be investigated. In this paper, we tackle this issue by proposing some monitoring adaptation patterns falling into reconfiguration dimensions. Those patterns aim at facilitating the adaptation design of monitoring behavior of the whole set of distributed monitoring modules part of autonomic systems. The utility of those patterns is illustrated through a case-study dealing with monitoring adaptation based on high level quality objectives
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